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Maximum Loan Amount: $3,000,000.00

Repayment Period: 72 Months a 6 Years

Equity: 15% of loan amount in share equity account

Monthly Payment: $74,500.00


  • Minimum 3 months membership
  • Proof of Loan purpose a Invoice, Statements, Sale Agreement etc.
  • Last two months pay slips
  • ID
  • Job Letter (For first time borrowers)
  • Signed final payment letters (issued by the CU)

Other Conditions

  • Payments under this loan product are made as per the loan purpose.
  • Credit Report will be generated. The CU may require statements from other financial institutions seen on the Credit Report that are not closed or removed from the Credit Report.
  • JDF Members with less than one-year ROD will be required to sign a pension letter. This letter only takes effect whenever the member retires from JDF. The monthly loan repayment/obligation will be deducted from their pension.
  • If credit score is a high-risk, a guarantor will be required. For the guarantor:
  • Completed guarantor form
  • Guarantor last pay slip
  • Guarantor ID
  • Guarantor job letter (for non-JDF members) a non-JDF member must be permanently employed.
  • Guarantors as serving JDF members, ROD must be at minimum one year of the member?s ROD.
  • Guarantors as serving JDF members, must be a rank higher than that of the member.
  • JDF Members with less than one-year ROD and over 18 years of service will be required to sign a pension letter. This letter only takes effect whenever the member retires from JDF. The monthly loan repayment/obligation will be deducted from their pension otherwise a guarantor document is required.

Unsecured Booster Loan Repayment Schedule