The Jamaica Defence Force Co-Operative Credit Union Limited Youth Education Scheme Scholarship hereinafter referred to as the JDF CCU TREASURE CHEST SCHOLARSHIP is to be awarded each year in recognition of academic excellence of the children of JDF Credit Union members. The Scholarship will be awarded in two categories namely, Primary (for Students who were successful in their PEP Examination) and Secondary (for Students who have excelled at CSEC/GCE/CAPE and will be moving on to 6th form or Tertiary education).
The guidelines governing the operations of the Treasure Chest Scholarship are outlined below.
- The member must be in good standing and current.
- Applicants MUST have a Treasure Chest Account with a consistent monthly savings of minimum $300.00 for at least 4 months
- Applicants for the Primary Category Scholarship MUST have attained at least 320 Points in the Primary Exit Profile (PEP) Examinations 2024
- Applicants for the Secondary Category Scholarship must have attained, in one sitting, passes in at least 5 subjects at the Caribbean Secondary Education Certificate (CSEC) or General Certificate of Education Ordinary Level (GCE ‘O’ Level) Examination or 3 subjects at the (GCE A Level) or Caribbean Advanced Proficiency Examination (CAPE) Unit 2.
- Applicants for the Primary Category Scholarship must submit a completed application form along with the most current school report and PEP results by August 15th, 2024.
- Applicants for the Secondary Category Scholarship must submit a completed application form and proof of examination results by the specified deadline date August 30th .
- Applicant/s and Parent/Guardian may be required to attend an interview with the Selection Committee.
- An application for Scholarship does not guarantee an award.
- The parent/guardian and the awardees by acceptance of the Scholarship agree and give explicit consent to the JDF Co-operative Credit Union Limited to use their names and/or photograph as promotional tools in any marketing or promotional event, print material, or public forum that the JDFCU may engage in during its operations.
The Scholarship is tenable for one (1) academic year. Previous awardees who are still attending School may be considered for up to four subsequent awards on a funds-available basis, provided that they have maintained a consistent B average or higher.
Selection of the awardees will be based on the best OVERALL performance, maintenance of Treasure Chest account and interview score (where applicable).
The Scholarship awarded in this category is open to Youth savers who were outstanding in the PEP Examinations. There will be 15 awardees in the sum of Forty Thousand Dollars ($40,000.00) each.
The Scholarship awarded in this category is open to Youth Savers who were outstanding in CSEC/GCE/CAPE Examinations. There will be Five (5) awardees of Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) each at the CSEC Level and Five (5) awardees of Seventy Thousand Dollars ($70,000.00) each at the CAPE 2 Level.
This award will be given to the most outstanding Awardee at the CSEC Level (at least 6 Subjects) or the CAPE 2 Level (at least 3 Subjects). The Recipient will receive a Trophy and $80,000.00 award.