Back To School Loan Promo
General Requirements
- Must be a Member of the Credit Union
- No Share Equity required
- Loan is available for Members, Members Children and dependents
- Interest rate 0.8% per month (10% per annum)
- Repayment period 36 months
- Members must have monthly contribution to child/children/adult account
- Last 2 pay advices
- Photo ID
- School Voucher, Pro-Forma invoice for book purchase
- Loan repayment should be via salary deduction
Primary & Secondary Conditions
- The maximum loan amount $500,000
- No Debt Ratio calculation just ability to pay
- Maximum of $50,000 cash per child of the loan amount can be given to cover miscellaneous educational expenses (uniform, Shoes, Bags etc.)
- Compulsory savings as per savings band to child/adult account, amounts cannot be withdrawn until loan is repaid.
Tertiary Education Conditions
Members wishing to attend tertiary institution the CU will finance the course of study for the duration of the course (ie 3-5 years).
- The maximum loan amount $1,200,000
- No Share Equity required
- Repayment period duration of the course of study
- Interest rate as low as 0.83% per month (10% per annum)
- All other conditions of the Education Loan Policy apply.
- Members can purchase Tablet/Laptop from proceed of loan
NB. If Security is offered, loans will be given at an interest rate of 9%